Upholstery Cleaning

I offer a professional and effective cleaning service for all furniture upholstered in fabric, including:

  • Lounge suites, couches, sofas & armchairs
  • Dining chairs
  • Mattresses
  • Office chairs & reception area furniture
  • Caravan upholstery
  • Marine upholstery

Upholstered furniture and mattresses attract dust, oils, dead skin cells and even pollen from the air around them. And with daily living, a busy family, pets or in an office situation there are also lots of spills and stains from a variety of sources – such as food, drink, perspiration, vomit, urine, makeup, etc. So even though you might regularly vacuum or use surface cleaning products, over time the upholstery becomes grubby and smelly – affecting the overall perception of cleanliness and hygiene in your home or business.

Like carpet cleaning, regular deep cleaning of your upholstery by Choice Cleaning Services will prolong the life of your furniture and keep it looking fresh and clean.

I offer both steam cleaning and encapsulation (low moisture) cleaning processes and, depending on the type of fabric and level of soiling, I can advise you on which method will give the best result on your upholstery.

Choice Cleaning Services also provides upholstery cleaning services for commercial premises – like offices, restaurants and hotels, aged care centres and nursing homes, clubs and schools.

Member of the Carpet Cleaning Association of WA

I am a member of the Carpet Cleaning Association of WA (CCAWA). The CCAWA is the largest group of fully trained and independent carpet, upholstery, tile and specialist cleaning technicians in Western Australia. Being a member of the CCAWA gives my clients the confidence that I am trustworthy, knowledgeable and fully trained. Through the CCAWA I attend ongoing meetings, workshops and training to continue to advance my industry knowledge and qualifications, so that I can provide the highest level of service to my clients.

Cert III in Asset Maintenance (Carpet Cleaning)

I have completed a Certificate III in Asset Maintenance (Carpet Cleaning) PRM 30604 – so you can be assured that I am fully trained, qualified and knowledgeable in this field of work.

Fully Insured and hold a current Police Clearance

Approved Woolsafe® Service Provider

I am an approved and qualified WoolSafe® Service Provider and WoolSafe® Fibre Care Specialist technician. This means I have received specialist wool maintenance training by The WoolSafe Organisation and so I am allowed to display the "WoolSafe Approved Service Provider" and "WoolSafe Approved Fibre Care Specialist" marks on my website and marketing material. In addition to having completed extensive professional training, these accreditations also mean that I have had many years experience, use only approved products when cleaning wool, am trained to a high standard in cleaning wool carpets and rugs, have been in this business for a number of years, am fully insured, and I'm a member of a recognised trade association.

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Choice Cleaning Services offers both Steam Cleaning and Encapsulation (low moisture cleaning)

After inspecting your upholstery and the amount of soiling, I will decide and advise you which method I recommend we apply to get the best results – steam cleaning or encapsulation (low moisture) cleaning. Whichever upholstery cleaning method is used, my mission is to always do the best job I can so I have happy and satisfied customers who call me back every time.

Our Upholstery Steam Cleaning Process

Want your sofa, chairs or mattress cleaned properly? Call 0412 947 694 today.

Our Upholstery Encapsulation (Low Moisture) Cleaning Process

As the name suggests the dirt on the upholstery fabric fibre is encapsulated or surrounded, and every time you vacuum the upholstery it will get cleaner and cleaner. This method is low moisture and delivers great results. Drying time is 3-6 hours.

Why use Choice Cleaning Services